Baby Kate Newborn Session
When I schedule a newborn photoshoot, I always send off my detailed list of instructions on how to prepare for your newborn session. I have found over many years of photographing babies things that help the day run smoothly. One thing I suggest-even in the South Florida heat-is that your home is warm. It makes things kind of hard for Mom and Dad (and me!) to get through the day, but warmth puts babies right to sleep. Lucky for baby Kate’s Mom and Dad, at just over a week old, she was already sleeping through the night. YAY! When I arrived for their session, this bright-eyed little beauty was wide awake and curiously watching everything I did. Her Mom Jamie showed me an adorable Lily Pulitzer chair that she’d had embroidered with Kate’s name, which gave me the idea to take the session outside into the sweltering Florida heat. Sure enough, after a few short minutes, Kate was out like a light! I love the way her photos turned out and I do believe that I am even more of a Lily fan after seeing this chair!