Robyn Portrait Session
Where do I begin to describe such a dynamic and multifaceted personality like Robyn? I’ll start by sharing that she is a Christ-centered intuitive healer, a Mom, a wife, and a real powerhouse. We met last fall when I was just beginning the baby steps of my own personal spiritual journey. I am highly sensitive to smells with a deep love of all things earthy, and whatever essential oils Robyn was wearing that day instantly told me that I was going to like her. We’ve gotten to know one another since, and she’s done some amazing spiritual work with me. She is especially gifted at the Innerwise Healing System which really blew the doors off of some of my old ways of thinking, to which I will always be grateful. When we started talking about this session, I knew instantly what I wanted to do. Robyn’s ideas were almost identical to what I was thinking and I was thrilled at the opportunity to get out at sunset and play. We had a blast!